Customized to protect you, and help fufill your obligations.

Disability Insurance Coverages

AMI Group, Inc. helps provide people with disability insurance, since we understand the range of your responsibility when it comes to financial obligations. If you become disabled, you still need to fulfill your financial obligations, which is why disability insurance is so important. If your employer has provided you with group long-term disability income insurance, it may not be enough to fulfill all of your financial obligations. You may be able to protect more of your income through individual disability income (DI) insurance. This will cover you if you are too injured or sick to work for an extended time period.

The main benefits of disability income insurance are:

  • Provide protection for a portion of your income

  • The insurance is completely portable since you own the policy

  • You can customize the coverage for your unique needs

AMI Group, Inc. has proficient disability insurance specialists who can assess your individual needs and provide you with the best options to give you the disability insurance coverage that you need.

Free Consultation with a Disability Insurance Specialist to discuss your different coverage options and individual needs.